

原文出處 http://www.hkifflink.net/index.php?s=judge+2009 (香港國際電影節網上筆記連線)

開幕及閉幕電影 Opening Films and Closing Films
•月滿軒尼詩 Crossing Hennessy (岸西,2010)
•如夢 Like a Dream (羅卓瑤,2009)
•前度 Ex (麥曦茵,2010)
•安非他命 Amphetamine(雲翔,2010)

隆重首映及特備節目 Special Presentation and Gala Premieres
•團圓 Apart Together (王全安,2010)
•火龍 Fire of Conscience (林超賢,2010)”>
•子彈頭,大復仇 Micmacs (Jean-Pierre Jeunet,2009
•艋舺 Monga (鈕承澤,2010)
•志明與春嬌 Love in a Puff (彭浩翔,2010)
•大都會(終極修復版) Metropolis (restored original cut) (Fritz Lang,1927)
影迷嘉年華 Gala Presentation
•謎情追兇 The Secret in Their Eyes (Juan Jose Campanella,2009)
•我可以抱你嗎 Please, Please Me (Emmanuel Mouret,2009)
•孕茫茫 The Refuge (Francois Ozon,2009)
•單車手強者回歸 Phantom Pain (Matthias Emcke,2009)
•三傻大鬧寶萊塢 3 Idiots (Rajkumar Hirani,2009)
•黎巴嫩 Lebanon (Samuel Maoz,2009)
•潮爆莫斯科 Hipsters (Valery Todorovsky,2008)
•六美八陣圖 The Actresses (李在容,2009)
•閃亮的星星 Bright Star (Jane Campion,2009)
•90後起義少女(前譯:90後突圍少女) Fish Tank (Andrea Arnold,2009)
•老馬發火 Harry Brown (Daniel Barber,2009)
•殺慾魔警 The Killer Inside Me (Michael Winterbottom,2010)
•亡情使者 The Messenger (Oren Moverman,2009)
•非常戇男離奇失婚 A Serious Man (Joel & Ethan Coen,2009)
亞洲數碼錄像競賽 Asian Digital Competition
•尋歡作樂 The High Life (趙大勇,2010)
•午皮貳 Oxhide 2 (劉伽茵,2009)
•光斑 Sun Spots (楊恒,2009)
•父後七日 Seven Days in Heaven (劉梓潔、王育麟,2010)
•夜郎 Tangle (劉勇宏,2009)
•我的大鑊人生 I’m in Trouble﹗(蘇相瑉,2009)
•母娼起義 Mother is a Whore (李尚宇,2009)
•十八微風少年 Eighteen (張健宰,2009)
人道獎紀錄片競賽及真的假不了 Humanitarian Awards for Documentaries and Reality Bites
•曾經的無產者 Once Upon a Time Proletarian: 12 Tales of a Country (郭小櫓,2009)
•油大都會 / 煤炭,錢 Petropolis: Aerial Perspectives on the Alberta Tar Sands/Coal Money (Peter Mettler/王兵,2009)
•後圍牆光影行 Berlin-Stettin (Volker Koepp,2009)
•SK鋼琴達人 Pianomania (Lilian Franck, Robert Cibis,2009)
•洩密先鋒 The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers (Judith Ehrlich, Rick Goldsmith,2009)
•博奕 Game Theory(王清仁, 2010)
•克拉瑪依 Karamay(徐辛,2010)
•上訪(導演版)Petition (Director’s Cut)(趙亮,2009)
•歸途列車 Last Train Home(範立欣,2009)
•南京:尋找封存的記憶 Torn Memories of Nanjing(松岡環Matsuoka Tamaki,2009)
•俄帝的殘酷教訓 Russian Lessons(Andrei Nekrasov, Olga Konskaya,2010)
•再探警戒都市 The Border City 2(洪亨淑Hong Hyung-sook,2009)
•赤柬人民公敵 Enemies of the People(Rob Lemkin, Thet Sambath,2009)
國際短片競賽 Short Film Competition
•國際短片競賽節目(一) Short Film Competition Programme I
•國際短片競賽節目(二) Short Film Competition Programme II
•國際短片競賽節目(三) Short Film Competition Programme III
•國際短片競賽節目(四) Short Film Competition Programme IV
大師級 Master Class
•白鬼 White Material (Claire Denis,2009)
•野草 Wild Grass (Alain Resnais,2009)
•小山36景 Around a Small Mountain(Jacques Rivette,2009)
•舞動花都 La Dance:The Paris Opera Balle(Frederick Wiseman,2009)
•獨裁者的情人 Vincere (Marco Bellocchio,2009)
•芋蟲 Caterpillar(若松孝二,2010)
•京都太秦物語 Kyoto Story(山田洋次、阿部勉,2010)
•我懷念的 Sweet Rush (Andrzej Wajda,2009)
•金髮奇女子 Eccentricities of a Blond Hair Girl (Manoel de Oliveria,2009)
•蜜月勿越 Honeymoons(Goran Paskalijevic ,2009)
•悲傷草原 Trilogy: The Weeping Meadow (Theo Angelopoulos,2003)
•時光微塵 Dust of Time, The (Theo Angelopoulos,2008)
•踏盡天涯路 Tetro (Francis Ford Coppola,2009)
•驀然回望 Revisited (Krzystof Zanussi,2009)
•影子滅殺令 The Ghost Writer(Roman Polanski,2010)
作者風 Auteurs
•藍鬍子 Bluebeard (Catherine Breillat,2009)
•死心不息 Enter the Void (Gaspar Noe,2009)
•戀戀耶穌 Hadewijch (Bruno Dumont,2009)
•追憶伊蓮吾愛 Irene (Alain Cavalier,2009)
•愛的迫害 Persecution (Patrice Chereau,2009)
•這事不能說太細 The Time That Remains (Elia Suleiman,2009)
•憤怒時刻 The Hunter (Rafi Pitts,2010)
•蟹工船 Kanikosen (Sabu,2009)
•男孩看見血地獄 Kinatay (Brillante Mendoza,2009)
•嫲嫲對婆婆 Lola (Brillante Mendoza,2009)
•葡萄牙修女 The Portuguese Nun (Eugene Green,2009)
•豆滿江 Dooman River (Zhang Lu,2009)
•電影節桃花劫 Like You Know It All (Hong Sang-soo,2009)
•感情線上腦交戰 Life During Wartime (Todd Solondz,2009)
香港電影面面觀 2009-2010 Hong Kong Panorama 2009-2010
•人間喜劇 La Comedie Humaine (陳慶嘉、秦小珍,2010)
•打擂臺 Gallants (郭子健,2010)
•囡囡 Girl$ (畢國智,2010)
•援交 Little Did She Know (廖劍清,2009)
•媽媽離家上班去 Homecoming (郭臻,2009)
•後來 That’s Why You Go Away (陳序慶,2009)
•再生號 Written By (韋家輝,2009)
•竊聽風雲 Overhead (麥兆輝、莊文強,2009)
•麥兜響噹噹 McDull-Kungfu Ding Ding Dong (謝立文,2009)
•意外 Accident (鄭保瑞,2009)
•淚王子 Prince of Tears (楊凡,2009)
•十月圍城 Bodyguards and Assassins (陳德森,2009)
•歲月神偷 Echoes of the Rainbow(羅啟銳,2009)
台灣新生代 Young Taiwanese Cinema
•艋舺 Monga (鈕承澤,2010)
•一頁臺北 Au Revoir Taipei (陳駿霖,2010)
•有一天 One Day (侯季然,2009)
中國電影新天地 Chinese Renaissance
•成都我愛你 Chengdu, I Love You(陳果、崔健,2009
•遠雷 Distant Thunder(章家瑞,2009)中國
•透析 Judge(劉傑,2009)
•夜·店 One Night in Supermarket(楊慶,2009)
•尋找智美更登 The Search(萬瑪才旦,2009)
•團圓 Apart Together(王全安,2010)
世界視野 Global Vision
•神蹟疑雲 Lourdes (Jessica Hausner,2009)
•天降B女 La Pivellina (Tizza Covi,Rainer Frimmel,2009)
•禁足一年 My Year Without Sex (Sarah Watt,2009)
•廢男家族 The Misfortunates (Felix van Groeningen,2009)
•高原烈女 Altiplano(P. Brosens,J. Woodworth,2009)
•雙面希治閣 Double Take(J. Grimonprez,2009)
•索菲亞的天空 Eastern Plays (Kamen Kalev,2009)
•殺死我阿媽 I Killed My Mother (Xavier Dolan,2009)
•夏蟲語冰 Huacho (Alejandro F. Almendras,2009)
•唱風的歌 The Wind Journeys (Ciro Guerra,2009)
•赤道寒流 Agua Fria (Paz Fabrega,2009)
•不恥之徒 Shameless (Jan Hrebejk,2009)
•兄狂歲月 Brotherhood (Nicolo Donato,2009)
•聖東尼的誘惑 The Temptation of St. Tony (Veiko Ounpuu,2009)
•盲神父與假釋女 Letters to Father Jacob (Klaus Haro,2009)
•香貝老師 Mademoiselle Chambon (Stephane Brize,2009)
•小國民尼謨 Mr. Nobody (Jaco Van Dormael,2009)
•悔不當初時 Regrets (Cedric Kahn,2009)
•英倫異客 London River (Rachid Bouchareb,2009)
•鬥雞眼尋親記 The Other Bank (George Ovashvill Georgia,2009)
•狗牙 Dogtooth (Yorgos Lanthimos,2009)
•追夢戰隊 The Dreamer (Riri Riza,2009)
•以巴火藥庫 Ajami (S. Copti,Y. Shani,2009)
•暴走仨 A Crowd of Three (大森立嗣,2009
•黃童子 Yellow Kid (真利子哲也,2009)
•字典與警鎗 Police,Adjective (Corneliu Porumboiu,2009)
•今天應該很高興 The Happiest Girl in the World (Radu Jude,2009)
•救失常 Help Gone Mad (Boris Khlebnikov,2009)
•藍樓夢斷 The Blue Mansion (魏銘耀,2009)
•21世紀女孩 Our Fantastic 21st Century (魏銘耀,2009)
•等愛我的人 A Brand New Life (Ounie Lecomte,2009)
•憤怒的幽靈 Rabia (Sebastian Cordero,2009)
•超時空戰紀 Between Two Worlds (Vimukthi Jayasundara,2009)
•與獸同眠 Animal Heart (Severine Cornamusaz,2009)
•慾念起錨 Adrift (吳碩專,2009)
•肥媽誤闖美麗加 Amreeka (Cherien Dabis,2009)
•爸爸的肥皂泡 Father of My Children (Mia Hansen-Love, 2009)
影人影事 Filmmakers and Filmmaking
•緊張大師的無間地獄 Henri-Georges Clouzot’s Inferno (Serge Bromberg, Ruxandra Medrea,2009)
•高達與杜魯福細說從頭 Two in the Wave (Emmanuel Laurent,2009)
香港四重奏 Quattro Hong Kong
•赤地 Red Earth (羅卓瑤,2010)
•生炒糯米飯 Fried Glutinous Rice (邱禮濤, 2010)
•偏偏 We Might as Well be Strangers (麥曦茵, 2010)
•黃色拖鞋 The Yellow Slipper (陳果, 2010)
我愛午夜長Midnight Heat
•冧爆你恐怖舞會 The Loved Ones (Sean Byrne, 2009)
•完全家族 The Family Complete (今泉浩一,2010)
•莫斯科大事件 Newsmakers (Anders Banke, 2009)
•奪獄困獸 Cell 211 (Daniel Monzón, 2009)
•切切切 Slice (Kongliat Komesiri, 2009)
自主新潮 Indie Power
•其後 After All These Years (林家威,2010)
•螞蟻村 Ant City (高文東,2010)
•翻山 Crossing the Mountain (楊蕊,2009)
•私奔自由行 To Walk Beside You (石井裕也,2009)
•蜆貝小小姐 Sawako Decides (石井裕也,2009)
•浪蕩林深處 In the Woods (Angelos Frantzis,2010)
•你卡拉,我OK Karaote (張千輝,2009)
•非洲火樹的回憶 Memories of a Burning Tree (王明安,2010)
•男孩與海 To the Sea (Pedro Gonzalez-Rubio,2009)
•大獨立 Independencia (Raya Martin,2009)
•紅蜻蜓 Red Dragonflies (廖捷凱,2010)
•白夜黑咖啡 Café Noir (鄭聖一,2009)
•俗物人間 Mundane History (Anocha Suwichakornpong,2009)
•中國姑娘 She,a Chinese (郭小櫓,2009)
我看我電影 I See It My Way
•分手說愛你 Break Up Club (黃真真,2010)
•初戀紅工冰 Ice Kacang Puppy Love (陳慶祥,2010)
•宅配男金色搖籃曲 Golden Slumber (中村義洋,2010)
•睡衣男異次元空間 Symbol (松本人志,2009)
•小雙俠 Yatterman (三池祟史,2009)
•東京喪運會 Tokyo Onlypic (真島理一郎,2008)
前衛眼 The Avant Garde
•前衛短片選輯(一):家中外望 Avant Garde Programme I
•前衛短片選輯(二):虛中有實 Avant Garde Programme II
•前衛短片選輯(三):路易斯卡拉 Avant Garde Programme III : Lewis Klahr (Lewis Klahr)
•前衛短片選輯(四):「磚」有文明 Avant Garde Programme IV
超人氣動畫 Animation Unlimited
•比爾布林頓自選集 The Bill Plympton Collection(Bill Plympton,1989-2009)
•貓室動畫大集結 The Postgal Animation Collection(2003-2010)
•東京喪運會 Tokyo Onlypic(真島理一郎Mashima Riichiro,2008)
•笑震震小鎮 A Town Called Panic(Stéphane Aubier, Vincent Patar,2009)
•小杜與我 My Dog Tulip(Paul and Sandra Fierlinger,2009
•世界動畫精選(一) World Animation I 超人氣動畫
•世界動畫精選(二) World Animation II 超人氣動畫
修復經典 Restored Classics
•大都會(終極復修版)Metropolis (restored original cut) (Fritz Lang, 1927)
•紅菱艷 The Red Shoes(Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, 1948)
•孔夫子(2010 年最新復修版)Confucius (2010 Version) (費穆,1940)
雷蒙烈德的夢迷宮 Raymond Red’s Labyrinth of Dreams
•馬尼拉的天空 Manila Skies (Raymond Red,2009)
•菲自由戰士 Sakay (Raymond Red,1993)
•Band佬離奇事件簿 Kamada (Raymond Red,1997)
•雷蒙烈德超八短片選 Raymond Red’s Super 8s (Raymond Red)
最後的現代主義者 安哲羅普洛斯 Theo Angelopoulos, the Last Modernist
•悲傷草原 Trilogy: The Weeping Meadow (Theo Angelopoulos,2003)
•時光微塵 Dust of Time, The (Theo Angelopoulos,2008)
•三六年的歲月 Days of ‘36 (Theo Angelopoulos,1972)
•流浪藝人 Traveling Players, The (Theo Angelopoulos,1975)
•獵人 Hunters, The (Theo Angelopoulos,1977)
•亞歷山大大帝 Alexander the Great (Theo Angelopoulos,1980)
•塞瑟島之旅 Journey to Cythera (Theo Angelopoulos,1984)
•養蜂人 Beekeeper, The (Theo Angelopoulos,1986)
•霧中風景 Landscape in the Mist (Theo Angelopoulos,1988)
•鸛鳥踟躕 Suspended Step of the Stork, The (Theo Angelopoulos,1991)
•尤利西斯的凝望 Ulysses’ Gaze (Theo Angelopoulos,1995)
•一生何求 Eternity and a Day (Theo Angelopoulos,1998)
虛構紀事 贊祿西 Krzysztof Zanussi’s Cycle of Fiction
•家庭生活 Family Life (Krzysztof Zanussi, 1971)
•偽裝 Camouflage (Krzysztof Zanussi, 1977)
•山巔的呼喚 The Constant Factor (Krzysztof Zanussi, 1980)
•驀然回望 Revisited (Krzysztof Zanussi, 2009)
作者本色:龍剛電影 Hong Kong Auteur, Lung Kong
•大馬戲團 The Big Circus (秦劍, 1964)
•癡情淚 Pink Tears (秦劍, 1965)
•糊塗女偵探 Mimi-Private Eye (秦劍, 1965)
•播音王子 Prince of Broadcasters (龍剛,1966)
•英雄本色 Story of a Discharged Prisoner (龍剛, 1967)
•窗 The Window (龍剛, 1968)
•飛女正傳 Teddy Girls (龍剛, 1969)
•昨天今天明天 Yesterday Today Tomorrow (龍剛, 1970)
•昨夜夢魂中 My Beloved (龍剛, 1971)
•珮詩 Pei Shih (龍剛, 1972)
•應召女郎 The Call Girls (龍剛, 1973)
•哈哈笑 Laugh In (龍剛, 1976)
•愛殺 Love Massacre (譚家明, 1981)
•冷暖青春 The Joys and Sorrows of Youth (楚原, 1969)
•英雄本色 A Better Tomorrow (1986)(吳宇森,1986)
•癲佬正傳 The Lunatics (爾冬陞, 1986)
李小龍7010 Bruce Lee 7010
•細路祥 The Kid (馮峰,1950)
•危樓春曉 In the Face of Demolition (李鐵,1953)
•雷雨 The Thunderstorm (吳回,1957)
•人海孤鴻 The Orphan (李晨風,1960)
•唐山大兄 The Big Boss (羅維,1971)
•精武門 Fist of Fury (羅維,1972)
•猛龍過江 The Way of the Dragon (李小龍,1972)
•龍爭虎鬥 Enter the Dragon (Robert Clouse,1973)
•死亡遊戲 The Game of Death (Robert Clouse,1978)
小市民映畫大師 島津保次郎 Shimazu Yasujiro: Fanfare for the Common Man
•上陸第一步 First Steps Ashore (島津保次郎, 1932)
•鄰家的八重 Our Neighbor Miss Yae (島津保次郎, 1934)
•春琴抄 Okoto and Sasuke (島津保次郎, 1935)
•婚約三羽鳥 The Trio’s Engagement (島津保次郎, 1937)
•淺草之燈 The Lights of Asakusa (島津保次郎, 1937)
寶萊塢一代宗師 古魯達特 Guru Dutt, Bollywood Guru
•55年的夫妻 Mr. & Mrs. ‘55 (Guru Dutt, 1955)
•求之不得 Thirst (Guru Dutt, 1957)
•紙花 Paper Flowers (Guru Dutt, 1959)
•老爺太太僕人 Master, Mistress and Servant (Abrar Alvi, 1962)
詩人導演費穆 Fei Mu, Film Poet
•天倫 (美國發行版本) Song of China (American Release Version) (羅明佑, 1935)
•春閨斷夢(《聯華交響曲》之第二段)/天倫(缺本) Nightmares in Spring Chamber (Lianhua Symphony Episode 2) / Song of China (Edited American Version) (費穆/羅明佑, 1937)
•前臺與後台/斬經堂 On Stage and Backstage/Murder in the Oratory(周翼華/費穆, 1937)
•世界兒女 Children of the World (Jacob Julius Fleck, Louise Fleck, 1941)
•小城之春 Spring in a Small Town (費穆, 1948)
•生死恨 A Wedding in the Dream (費穆, 1948)
•關在屋子裏的人 Romance in the Boudoir (費魯伊, 1960)
第十五屆 ifva得獎作品放映 The 15th ifva Awarded Showcase
•節目一 Programme 1
•節目二 Programme 2
社會邊緣與獨立電影 Filming on the Margins
•上訪(國際版) Petition (International version) (趙亮, 2009)
•春風沈醉的夜晚 Spring Fever (婁燁, 2009)
新薑試驗場-大專學生作品展 The Devil’s Playground – Joint Universities Programme
•香港演藝學院學生作品選 Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Selection
•香港城市大學學生作品選 City University of Hong Kong Selection
•香港浸會大學學生作品選 Hong Kong Baptist University Selection
•香港專業教育學院(觀塘分校)學生作品選 Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (Kwun Tong) Selection
•香港理工大學學生作品選 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Selection
