
你知道N95口罩的發明人是來自台灣的科學家蔡秉燚Peter Tsai嗎?


你知道N95口罩的發明人是來自台灣的科學家蔡秉燚(Peter Tsai)嗎?蔡秉燚於1981年前往美國堪薩斯州立大學攻讀材料科學博士班,期間修了整整超過500多個學分的課程,相當於唸了6個博士學位!蔡秉燚隨後至美國田納西大學擔任教職,並發明了N95口罩。蔡秉燚雖然在2018年退休,但最近又因為新冠肺炎疫情復出,一天工作18小時,就是要研究如何消毒和重複使用N95口罩以避免浪費醫療資源。從他的美國經驗裡可以看到,美國大學教育資源的豐富,以及追求個人理想的廣大空間和機會。更多蔡秉燚的故事。


Do you know that Peter Tsai, a U.S.-educated scientist from Taiwan, has created the N95 mask filter and saved millions of lives? He studied at Kansas State University in 1981, earned a doctorate in material science after completing over 500 credits in a variety of subjects, which is equivalent to six Ph.D.s! His story shows us there are more than sufficient subjects you can study in a typical U.S. university, and there are plenty of opportunities for you can to apply what you learn in career and fulfill your dreams and passions after studying in the U.S. @Kansasstateuniversity @UofTennessee #educationusa #DYK #EducationUSA

More of Tsai’s story: https://share.america.gov/meet-u-s-scientist-who-invented-n95-mask-filter/

原文出處 美國在台協會 AIT
