

鐵雞諜網種情花The Adventure of Iron Pussy
魏拉希沙可Apichatpong Weerasethakul/麥可‧紹瓦那塞 Michael Shaowanasai│Thailand│2003│Color│35mm│90 min



本片之所以開拍,是阿比查朋‧魏拉希沙可在《熱帶幻夢》資金籌措上發生了問題而延遲開拍,為了使他自己的製片公司Kick the Machine 能維持正常運作,兩人在極短的時間內編寫劇本,隨即開拍。影片以數位攝影拍攝,質感效果則與當年所留下至今的16釐米影片相當吻合,加上影片也採用以往16釐米製作上事後配音的方式,而這些配音多為早期知名的配音員,其聲音早已被泰國民眾所熟悉,大大提高了影片的懷舊感。事後的配音,也讓鐵娘子可以毫無障礙地轉換性別。

主要演員紹瓦那塞是曼谷知名演員及藝術創作者,其作品涵括攝影、表演藝術、影像創作、裝置藝術。本片主角鐵娘子是他以泰國70年代知名女演員Petchara Chaowarat精心設計的髮型,與濃妝下嫵媚攝人的雙眼,作為創作的原型。享譽國際的阿比查朋的首部Cult film,聲勢果然不同凡響。熟悉他影片中以凝視穿透神秘心靈世界之魔力的觀眾,一定會驚訝他的改變,由神秘世界的另一頭,泰國流行時尚、五彩繽紛的通俗電影,他再度引領我們進入凝視的狂喜境界。本片遊走柏林、鹿特丹、東京等影展初次來到台北影迷怎能拒絕


Iron Pussy is a secret agent drag queen who is actually a mild mannered 7-11 clerk. Along with her faithful (although jealous) sidekick and motorbike driver Pew she travels the countryside and helps pretty young women fight back against sleazy men.

While paying her respects at the Buddhist temple, she meets the Thailand Prime Minister who wants her to take on a special mission. This is followed by an entertaining musical interlude with all the ministers dancing along.

As part of her mission, Iron Pussy has to go undercover as a maid Lamuda at the castle of a rich socialite. While she is working there, she gets to know her son Tang and falls for him. All as not as it seems however, as the fiancée of the rich socialite is actually a drug smuggler who Iron Pussy was sent into find.

After dancing through the Marijuana plantation and singing another song with Tang, there is a big party and Lamuda has to fill in for the singer. The socialite is impressed with her performance and offers to take her hunting the next day. On the hunt while the rest of the party is eating Jackfruit, Lamuda saves Tang from a Tiger, then confronts him about the drug smuggling, but is tricked and tied to a tree. Will she escape before the tiger’s mate comes?

無厘頭森林之第一次接觸 Funky Forest: The First Contact
石井克人Katsuhito Ishii/ANIKI/三木俊一郎Shunichiro Miki│Japan│2005│Color│35mm│150 min

日本電影圈的怪才導演石井克人這次又出怪招,在兩位廣告界導演好友ANIKI及三木俊一郎的合作下,再次以荒誕詭異的人物情節與影像,挑戰觀眾的視覺極限。本片堪稱怪片最高級,超現實荒誕程度更勝《變態五星級》。集結有如You Tube上想像力十足天馬行空的21部短片,企圖顛覆所有人腦中既定的邏輯及理由,平凡至極的日常事物反倒詭譎萬分,而令人難以理解事情,在片中卻又看來再普通不過,好似鍋讓人摸不著頭緒的大雜燴。如果想要從影片中看似各自獨立、卻又相有所關連的情節或人物中做出些理性的分析,只能說是不可能的任務。

