
(影)討論台灣的法律地位 — 常見錯誤(全中文字幕完整版)

Commonly Seen Mistakes when discussing the Legal Status of Taiwan, Part 1
「討論台灣的法律地位所常見的錯誤」,第 1 部分

1) The Japanese surrender ceremonies of October 25, 1945 marked the conclusion of WWII in the Pacific, and Japanese sovereignty over Taiwan ended.
2) The transfer of Taiwan’s territorial sovereignty to China was completed via the holding of formal Japanese surrender ceremonies in Taipei.
3) The Republic of China moved its central government to Taiwan in December 1949, and thus became the island’s legal government.
4) Taiwan was awarded to China in the post-war WWII peace treaties.


Commonly Seen Mistakes when discussing the Legal Status of Taiwan, Part 2
「討論台灣的法律地位所常見的錯誤」,第 2 部分

5) The military occupation of Taiwan ended in 1952.
5) 台灣的軍事佔領在1952年結束。
6) The Republic of China is the occupying power of Taiwan, hence its government officers can decide how to make all laws and regulations.
7) Taiwan was incorporated into ROC national territory via procedures in the ROC Constitution regarding “new territory.”
8) With no final disposition of Taiwan in the peace treaty, sovereignty is held by the local Taiwanese people.
8) 在和平條約中對台灣沒有(作)最後的處置之情況下,主權是屬當地的台灣人民所持有。


Commonly Seen Mistakes when discussing the Legal Status of Taiwan, Part 3
「討論台灣的法律地位所常見的錯誤」,第 3 部分

9) The ROC on Taiwan, under any definition, meets the criteria to be a sovereign state.
9) 「中華民國在台灣」在任何定義之下, 是符合作為一個主權國家的標準。
10) After more than seventy years governing Taiwan, the Republic of China has a long record of “effective territorial control,” and therefore can claim sovereignty over Taiwan.
11) With the institution of popular elections for President in 1996, the ROC in Taiwan has already become a “domestic regime.”
11)有了總統普選制度之設立 (1996年開始),台灣的中華民國已經成為 (合法的)「國內政權」。
12) In order to become a true state in the international community, Taiwan should declare its independence.


Commonly Seen Mistakes when discussing the Legal Status of Taiwan, Part 4
「討論台灣的法律地位所常見的錯誤」,第 4 部分

13) The Taiwan Relations Act mandates the sale of military equipment and hardware to Taiwan.
13) 台灣關係法授權出售軍事配備和硬體設備給台灣。
14) Under the One China Policy, the maintenance of an ROC Ministry of National Defense on Taiwan is fully authorized.
14) 在「一個中國政策」下,維持中華民國在台灣之國防部是有完全的授權。
15) The legal basis for the establishment of ROC Ministry of National Defense in Taiwan can be found in international law.
15) 在台灣建立中華民國的國防部之法律依據可以在國際法中找到。
16) As a non sovereign nation, the ROC on Taiwan is qualified to have military conscription policies.
16) 作為非主權國家,”中華民國” 在台灣有資格採用徵兵制度。