
2011第四十八屆金馬獎入圍名單:依影片 (2011)48th Golden Horse Awards Nominee List – By Film(完整版)

11項:【賽德克‧巴萊 Warriors of the Rainbow: Seediq Bale】。
9項:【讓子彈飛 Let the Bullets Fly】。
7項:【鋼的琴 The Piano in a Factory】。
6項:【桃姐 A Simple Life】。【武俠 Wu Xia】。
5項:【翻滾吧!阿信Jump! Ashin】。
4項:【刀見笑 The Butcher, the Chef and the Swordsman】。【那些年,我們一起追的女孩 You Are the Apple of My Eye】。
3項:【竊聽風雲2 Overheard 2】。【到阜陽六百里 Return Ticket】。【李小龍 Bruce Lee, My Brother】。
2項:【轉山 KORA】。【尋找背海的人The Man Behind the Book】。【金城小子Hometown Boy】。【倩女幽魂2011 A Chinese Ghost Story】。【倭寇的踪迹The Sword Identity】。
1項:【不再讓你孤單 A Beautiful Life】。【最愛 Love For Life】。【白蛇傳說之法海 The Sorcerer and the White Snake】。【青春啦啦隊Young at Heart:Grandma Cheerleaders】。【被遺忘的時光The Long Goodbye】。【阿爸 Abba】。【小偷 Thief】。【老四 The Outsider】。【不知者Meeting of the Half Moons】。【無名馬Horse with No Name】。【復仇者之死 Revenge a Love Story】。【最愛 Love For Life】。